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Rest Breaks & Meal Periods

We believe it is important for our employees to take their rest and lunch breaks to keep them more energized and engaged, and to improve the service they provide to our members.  While policies may vary by state, we encourage all employees to take rest breaks and meal periods similar to as follows.

  • (CA) For every 4-hours worked or major fraction there of, an employee must take a 10-minute, paid rest break.  Managers can tell an employee when to take their break, but not where. They can, however, specify that they must be off the gym floor, so they do not appear to be working.
  • (CA) For every 5-hours worked, an employee must take a 30-minute unpaid lunch break.  Managers can tell an employee when to take their lunch. It must be uninterrupted – meaning they are not to perform any work tasks, whether asked to do so or not.
  • (CA) The lunch waiver only applies to shifts between 5 and 6 hours. It does not waive or delay a lunch for a shift over 6 hours.
  • In general, if an employee works 8-hours, it will go like this:  Clock in   >   two hours later, 10-minute rest break   >   two hours later, 30-minute lunch   >   two hours later, 10-minute rest break   >   2-hours later, clock out.
Work Off-the-clock

Hourly employees are not to perform work tasks off-the clock. Including hourly management!! If an hourly employee does happen to perform work while not officially clocked-in, that time will need to be paid. In that case, have the employee fill out a PCF. If the time was not pre-approved, management may hold the employee accountable. 

Dating Policy

We understand that relationships between coworkers are bound to occur when so much of one’s time is spent in the workplace.  All employees in a supervisory role (including Team Supervisors) who enter into a relationship with another employee are required to sign a Consensual Relationship Agreement (CRA).  We ask to be made aware of any/all relationships right away so that we can act promptly, in order to protect both the employees and Chuze Fitness.  Relationships between managers and their direct reports are prohibited. 

Candidate offers that need HR approval

HR approval is needed to make an offer to the following candidates:

  • Rehires
  • Related to or in a Relationship with a current employee
  • Close friends of a current employee, if either the new hire or current employee would supervise the other
Extension of HR = Confidential 

When you, the manager, are part of an investigation process with an employee, you are an extension of HR.  The contents of said incident and investigation are to be kept confidential from friends, family, staff and other managers.


If an employee takes time off for a medical reason (other than standard sickness/cold/flu) for themselves or a family member, contact Benefits/HR right away. If an employee stays out for 3+ days, contact Benefits/HR. While an employee may say they are fine or feel as though they may not need assistance, they may be eligible for a leave or some other accommodation that you (or they) are not aware of. 

Check out the Paid Sick Leave FAQ for a breakdown of sick leave by state.

Time Off for a Leave of Absence (LOA)

There will be times when an employee will need time away from work, either for themselves or to care for a family member. When an employee needs to take a Leave Of Absence (LOA), Managers and Benefits play a big role in making sure everything runs smoothly.

Check out the LOA Guide  to see how you can help your employees request leaves, manage their time away from work and return to work successfully.

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