June 2019 – Fitness Presentation

June 2019 – Fitness Presentation


There are so many good answers to that question – as a fitness representative, where should YOU start??

Our members love to chat with you at the front desk.  At times, they look to you for guidance and tips. What a great opportunity to give advice, direction, and education while remaining within your scope of practice!

The following are some basic suggestions for those beginning a program for the first time (or coming back to fitness after some time away):

  • THE HARDEST PART IS OVER – You’re here!  Welcome and congratulations on taking the first step.
  • SCHEDULE YOUR WORKOUTS – Make sure your daily workout sessions fit into your schedule so you can commit to them and stay consistent no matter what.  Choose a realistic time frame that works with your daily routine and your body rhythms.
    • How awesome if you said to your member – Oh, you’ll be working out Tuesday and Thursday mornings?!  I’m usually on shift those days, make sure to see me and say hi when you come in.
  • SET YOURSELF UP FOR SUCCESS – The day before you are committed to go to the gym, set out your workout clothes (and anything else you may need to take with you), pack your bag to take to work with you, let your family know your plan and get a good night’s sleep.
  • FIND A WORKOUT BUDDY – A great way to make workouts more fun and easier to stick with is to do them with a friend.  Find someone to exercise with and chances are, it’ll be easier to keep the commitment.
    • It’s more effective when your workout buddy is on the same fitness level as you so you are not holding one another back and getting an appropriate level of exercise.
  • TAKE CLASSES AND SESSIONS – If you’re the kind of person who needs help getting motivated, the group dynamic is perfect for you.
    • You’ll be led by a trained, certified, knowledgeable coach / instructor who will effectively and safely guide you through the process of becoming fit
    • The commitment of being at a session or class at a particular time / day for a favorite class or coach will go a long way in the likelihood of sticking to your plan
  • PLAN AHEAD – Before going to the gym, plan exactly what you’ll be doing beforehand.
    • When you’re at the gym and you’ve put in your time on a treadmill, it’s very easy to call it done and go home if you don’t have the rest of your workout mapped out.  Make your to do list and stick with it
    • Start with Cardio – The first thing you need to do when you’re getting fit is to burn calories.  Try a variety of cardio machines to see which ones you enjoy the most
    • Then move on to other machines that focus on specific body parts
    • Start with total body (large muscle groups) to establish a baseline routine, then build on it by getting more specific
    • Better yet….go to sessions and classes! They are ALL designed to be appropriate for the first-time exerciser – just identify to the coach that you are new and will be watching for their modification cues.
  • CHUZE CIRCUIT– The Circuit is an ideal place for our members to begin getting fit
    • The machines are easy to use (with instructions right on them) and can be adjusted as strength increases
    • The workout is effective – designed for total body strength
    • It is a straightforward and efficient workout – perfect to pair with your cardio routine
  • BOREDOM CAN BE A REALITY – Get in front of it by trying as many different things as you’re comfortable doing and identifying what speaks most to you.
    • Changing it up regularly will be crucial for both your fitness goals and for keeping you mentally engaged with your workout program.
  • PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE – Determination is critical but without patience and consistency, you won’t get far.
    • Studies show that it takes most people 6 weeks on average to really solidify workouts into their life-routine