PURPOSE: To provide employees with an understanding of ways to keep themselves and our facilities clean and healthy. Good housekeeping, personal hygiene, and respecting personal space are all key to preventing the spread of any contagious disease. With the novel Coronavirus COVID-19 upon us, we are all acutely aware of the potential of spreading infections. Much of the information below is taken directly from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website.
Cleanliness is critical to preventing the spread of all contagions:
1. Make sure all cleaning tasks occur as normally scheduled with no lapses.
2. Focus on touch points when cleaning: door handles, radios, locker doors, etc.
3. Wash your hands frequently AND thoroughly. Remember the Happy Birthday song
4. Respect personal space. It’s difficult for us to hold back on high-5’s and hugs at Chuze! But our members appreciate you setting a good example and taking their health into consideration.
5. Cover coughs & sneezes with the inside of your elbow.
6. If you are feeling sick contact your immediate supervisor before coming to work.
What about face masks? Per the CDC, if you are NOT sick you do not need to wear a face mask unless you are caring for someone who is sick and they are unable to wear a face mask.
What about disposable gloves? The nitrile gloves we provide for cleaning are intended to protect your hands from the constant use of cleaning products. When a task is complete the gloves should be removed by turning them inside out to prevent any chemicals or contaminants from getting on your hands. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the unnecessary and inappropriate use of gloves may increase the risk of germ transmission. Gloves are not a substitute for hand-washing and can give you a false sense of security especially when not used properly.
What do I do if a member of the media wants to talk to me? If a member of the media wants to ask questions about COVID-19 or any other topic, Chuze’s policy is to go through our Home Office for media inquiries.
➢ Follow this policy even if they show up with cameras and microphone in hand. ➢ Let the media know you will take down their information and what their request is and will send it to the Chuze
Home Office, please be sure to ask them if they have a deadline. ➢ Give the reporter the Home Office phone number so they can follow-up (619)780-0141. Extension 3 – Marketing. ➢ Forward all information from the media representative to [email protected]. THIS EMAIL
What is Chuze doing during the COVID-19 situation? We have a team who meets twice each day to monitor COVID-19 updates both externally and internally. We have response plans in place should there be an impact at any of our locations.
Thank you for your loyalty and commitment to each other, Chuze Fitness, and our members. We are privileged to be your employer and are committed to navigating this situation with transparency and resilience.
We understand this can be a stressful time for many people and we want you to know we are looking out for you. If you have specific concerns about this or any other health and safety topic please speak with your manager, send an email to [email protected] , or contact Cindy Reyes, Director of Risk & Compliance at 619-780-0141 ext. 315.